
Youth Clubs for Refugees and Host Communities

  • Inde


BOSCO Refugee Assistance Program

Date program started:



  • Provide spaces for refugee youth to come together, promote awareness and interact with host communities


  • To foster interaction with the host community
  • To raise awareness within the refugee community of issues of education, health and sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV)
  • To improve the inclusion of elderly and disabled refugees

Targeted population:

  • All refugees living in Delhi, including youth and elderly refugees
  • Refugees from Afghanistan, Myanmar and Somalia

Challenge addressed:

  • Discrimination against refugees by the host community

Program description:

  • In New Delhi, there are 10 youth clubs based on nationality and geographic location
  • Each club holds a meeting in the first week of every month, with larger meetings of all clubs occuring less frequently
  • Each club has 2 male and 2 female leaders
  • Activities have included language classes (including Hindi and French), food distribution, home visits to the elderly, film screenings, medicine distribution and sessions on the issues surrounding alcoholism
  • Sessions run by the youth clubs have focused on life skills, integration, team building and living in harmony with the host community
  • The youth clubs have also run campaigns on issues including reproductive health, substance abuse, HIV/AIDS and gender-based violence, which has utilised street plays, folk media and pamphlet distribution
  • 70% of the club attendees come from the refugee population and 30% come from the host population
  • Each club carries out awareness campaigns and engages with elderly and disabled people
  • 2,000 Indian Rupees is provided to each club each month to support their activities
  • 1,000 Indian Rupees were also provided to each leader per month

Impact on targeted population:

  • Increased community support to elderly and disabled refugees
  • Increased awareness within the refugee community of a range of issues, including those relating to health, education and sexual and gender-based violence

Impact on host population:

  • More members of the host population have now interacted with refugees
  • Increased knowledge of refugee issues, including their culture and understanding of why they had to leave their country

Conditions required:

  • Support for refugee youth to organisae and form clubs, including giving them ownership of the program and ability to identify issues and responses themselves

Support for program:

  • A budget of 600,000 Indian Rupees was made available to support this program
  • Bosco Delhi has been an implementing partner of UNHCR since 2002


UNHCR India – Implementing Partners


  • 3700

    réfugiés ont un meilleur accès à l’éducation et à des moyens de subsistance

  • 40

    pays dans lesquels nous avons des ONG partenaires

  • 490

    enfants ont accès à des cours de mathématiques, d’art, de langue et de sport

  • 700

    femmes peuvent maintenant subvenir aux besoins de leur famille

  • 650

    réfugiés ont accès à des informations clés pour leur sécurité


Nous avons déjà accompli beaucoup mais le chemin est encore long et nous ne pouvons pas le parcourir seuls. Soutenez les communautés de réfugiés qui en ont le plus besoin.

Ils en parlent

Ils nous soutiennent