
Engager des fonctionnaires pour aider les réfugiés à accéder aux soins de santé

  • Kenya



Date program started:



  • Help urban refugees access healthcare by engaging with mid-level officials.


  • Increase urban refugees access to healthcare through Kenya’s generic brand viagra national insurance scheme
  • Focus on mid-level officials within local bureaucracies, rather than focusing on fighting for rights at high-level governmental platforms

Targeted population:

  • Refugees without healthcare
  • Mid-level Kenyan government officials

Challenge addressed:

  • Refugees lack of access to affordable healthcare in Nairobi
  • Lack of engagement between refugee-focused organizations and mid-level government officials

Program description:

  • Refugees are politicized in Kenya—specifically those of Somali origin who have been popularly and politically linked to issues of terrorism, crime, and urban degradation
  • Overt calls for refugee rights can backfire and lead to greater restrictions being placed upon refugees
  • Nairobi is one of 47 county governments in Kenya under the 2010 Constitution and it has a wide array of governance and service delivery functions
  • Due to this urban protection will depend heavily on county-level policies and practices
  • This program found that the, “most effective reforms for urban-based people of concern are likely to be negotiated outside of formal legal processes
  • It found that working with mid-level officials within the local bureaucracy, or negotiating with local urban actors and communities, may be more beneficial for POC than overtly fighting for their rights at high-level governmental platforms
  • This programme focused on RefugePoint work in facilitating refugees’ access to Kenya’s national health insurance scheme
  • The organization conducted a review of insurance legislation and determined that refugees were legally entitled to insurance
  • They worked behind the scenes with a mid-level official to complete the necessary paperwork to register hundreds of refugees at a minimal cost
  • Reluctance on the part of the official was overcome by focusing on their need to meet targets
  • They are required to ensure a certain number of new people are enrolled for health insurance and registering refugees assists this objective
  • This program shows that appeals to local authorities’ interests in program implementation, revenue generation, and business formation may provide opportunities for advocates to help align government action with protection interests
  • This avoided the creation of a parallel system of service delivery and supports RefugePoints other medical outreach work

Impact on targeted population:

  • This project assisted local officials meet their performance targets of ensuring that a specified number of new people enrolled in the national insurance scheme

Impact on host community:

  • This project assisted local officials meet their performance targets of ensuring that a specified number of new people enrolled in the national insurance scheme

Conditions required:

  • A national scheme that is legally available to both refugees and citizens.


Urban Institute – ‘Becoming Urban Humanitarians: Engaging Local Government to Protect Displaced People’


  • 3700

    réfugiés ont un meilleur accès à l’éducation et à des moyens de subsistance

  • 40

    pays dans lesquels nous avons des ONG partenaires

  • 490

    enfants ont accès à des cours de mathématiques, d’art, de langue et de sport

  • 700

    femmes peuvent maintenant subvenir aux besoins de leur famille

  • 650

    réfugiés ont accès à des informations clés pour leur sécurité


Nous avons déjà accompli beaucoup mais le chemin est encore long et nous ne pouvons pas le parcourir seuls. Soutenez les communautés de réfugiés qui en ont le plus besoin.

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