

Mars 2017
« En Malaisie, la société civile au chevet des réfugiés rohingyas »
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Février 2017
« SMS UP : improving refugees’ access to information »
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L’ÉTUDIANT – Décembre 2016
« URBAN REFUGEES is featured in the magazine L’étudiant in the section “Les jeunes ont de l’avenir”. Find the article in the edition of December.. »


Décembre 2016
« The Gazette is the magazine of AFM (Association Francophone de Malaisie) which mention the francophone initiatives at the local level. In the last edition, it featured our first project in Malaysia. »


Septembre 2016
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« Around the world, organizations led by refugees are aiding their own people in ways only they know how. Is it time they get more support? »


Septembre 2016
« Notre projet : un programme de formations intensives de 6 mois délivré sur place aux leaders des groupes d’entraide de réfugiés. »


Juin 2016
Regarder la vidéo
« Chaque jour des réfugiés partent vers les villes et donc vers l’oubli : il est grand temps de rendre visible l’invisible. »


THE GUARDIAN – Juin 2016
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« Camps have become the beginning, and in many cases the end, of international support to the swelling refugee crisis. »


Mai 2016
Ecouter le podcast
« FIP Radio interviewed Sonia Ben Ali, co-fonder of URBAN REFUGEES, to talk about her experience of refugees camps and alternative solutions. »


TACSI Avril 2016 – Lire l’article « Many refugees across the developing world do not have Internet on their phone, which prevents them from using Apps like What’s App for group communications. »


CLUB TROPPO Avril 2016 – Lire l’article « With the growing presence of refugees in cities, it is high time for public policies, the media and the humanitarian system as a whole to make camps an exception, not the rule. »


Marianne Mars 2016 – Lire l’article – « Il est grand temps que les politiques publiques et le système humanitaire dans son ensemble se réforment, pour mieux prendre en charge les réfugiés urbains et faire du modèle des camps une exception, et non la règle. »


GEOKS Mars 2016 – Lire l’article
« Urban Refugees : l’incubateur qui permet aux réfugiés d’entreprendre »


TWILIO Janvier 2016 – Lire l’article
« SMSUp is a grassroots, easy to use and low cost service which uses a bottom-up approach. » « Refugees can create their own distribution lists, share critical information within their community and become empowered to self organize easily, »


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« What Design Can Do was initiated in 2011 as a platform to showcase design as a catalyst of change and as a way of addressing the societal questions of our time »


Novembre 2015
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« Most of the media attention and the humanitarian assistance has been focusing on refugee camps so you have millions of urban refugees that are completely left behind, »


Octobre 2015
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« But whatever it is that you’re doing, the important thing is to constantly remind yourself of the real person you’re building this tool for »


Octobre 2014
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Selon URBAN REFUGEES, « le succès de la politique (d’alternative aux camps du HCR) dépendrait dans une large mesure de l’efficacité des efforts de plaidoyer »


Décembre 2013
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« Changing the world – one collaboration at a time at the changemakerxchange in istanbul »


Septembre 2013
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« Connecting and communicating with urban refugees presents a major challenge, not only because they are scattered across sprawling cities, but also because poverty and unstable tenancy arrangements force them to move frequently. »


RSDwatch – Aout 2013
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« The new blog has managed to facilitate one of the most lively and constructive online debates on refugee policy that I can recall. »



Communiqués de presse

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« URBAN REFUGEES is currently developing a mobile messaging system to help refugee community overcome communication challenges »


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« URBAN REFUGEES opposes forced removal of refugees from Dadaab camp »



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« Worldwide, over 50 percent of refugees live not in camps, but in urban host communities. URBAN REFUGEES supports programming for these refugees—while advocating for durable, long-term alternatives to refugee camps. »

Our impact

  • 3700

    refugees have better access to education and livelihood opportunities

  • 40

    countries in which our partner NGOs are implementing solutions

  • 490

    refugee children benefit from mathematics, english, art and sports classes

  • 700

    women can now support their families

  • 650

    refugees have access to critical healthcare and safety information

Get Involved

We’ve accomplished so much, but the growing urgency of refugee issues in cities means we have a lot more to do and we can’t do it alone. Support the refugee communities that need it most.

As Seen in

They sponsor us